O. I. Bodnar, S. V. Senko, I. O. Osypenko, I. Khatib, N. M. Kasyanchuk, H. I. Falfushynska


The ecological potential of microalgae for purification of aquatic and soil ecosystems and natural restoration of their homeostatic functional state is considered to be high due to the rapid growth and development of algae, their labile and dynamic metabolism and simple growth conditions. The aim of present work was to study the effectiveness of Chlorella as a potential bioremediator to reduce the toxic effects of pesticides, roundup and chlorpyrifos after their individual and complex influence on zebrafish Danio rerio. The effect of environmental concentrations of roundup (15 μg⋅L-1) and chlorpyrifos (0,1 μg⋅L-1) provoked partial depletion of the cell thiols pool when compared to the control, which appeared as a decrease in glutathione transferase activity (under combined exposure) and total glutathione concentration. A decrease in the level of total antioxidant capacity, which was consistent with an increase in the level of reactive oxygen species in the liver tissue was also shown. Meanwhile, the studied organophosphate pesticides didn’t cause severe signs of neurotoxicity, but activated acetylcholinesterase in line with no visual manifestations of locomotion reactions. Chlorpyrifos determined an increase in the concentration of methylglyoxal and the most noticeable sign of endocrine disruption from all studied groups in terms of vitellogenin concentration. Principal component analysis allowed to identify a separate localization of each of the studied groups and the interim position of animals after combined exposure when compared to the individual action. The introduction of Chlorella vulgaris in the exposure media in the amount of about 100 thousand cells / dm3 did not show a significant corrective effect on the toxicity of pesticides for non-target species Danio rerio, which doesn’t exclude the positive impact of algae on the functioning of the ecosystem in general and requires a more detailed analysis.


Danio rerio; pesticides; toxicity; chlorella


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