O. I. Bodnar, H. B. Kovalska, O. Ya. Lukashiv, V. V. Grubinko


Chlorella is one of the most promising species of algae, which is widely cultivated for the industrial production of nutraceuticals in the form of tablets or powder. The value of Chlorella is primarily due to the high content of proteins and lipids (51–58 % and 20–23 % of dry weight respectively), carotenoids and an almost complete set of vitamins. At the same time, in the process of cultivation, a method was developed to enrich algobiomass and its individual components (primarily the lipid fraction) with selenium, zinc, chromium, as important regulatory trace elements.
From chlorella, we obtained seleniumlipid, selenium-zinclipid and selenium-chromiumlipid complexes, and their constancy and structure were grounded by chromatographic and mass spectrometric analysis. After feeding healthy rats with a starch solution of selenium-zinclipid complex (1 ml of which contained 0.4 μg of selenium, 2.5 μg of zinc and 0.5 mg of lipids) and selenium-chromiumlipid complex (1 ml contained 1.85 μg of selenium, 1.1 μg of chromium, 0,45 mg of lipids), no signs of intoxication were found (total medium molecular peptides content was reduced to 1.5 times, the content of TBA-active products and diene conjugates were also decreased), antioxidant processes (increase of glutathione content and activity of glutathione peroxidase while reducing the functional role of catalase) were activated (by increasing of succinate dehydrogenase and cytochrome oxidase activity, glutamate dehydrogenase - the way of glutamate formation), which contributed to the successful functioning of the antioxidant system and maintenance of energy and metabolic homeostasis in the body.
The obtained results enable the use of biologically active additives from chlorella, enriched with trace elements Se (IV), Zn (II) and Cr (III), as promising therapeutic and prophylactic substances, which will contribute to the successful functioning of the antioxidant system, maintain energy metabolism and metabolism correction of pathological processes, which is the basis for further studies of the biological activity of the complexes under study.


Chlorella vulgaris; trace elements (Selenium, Zinc, Chromium); rats; metabolism; regulation


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25128/2078-2357.20.3-4.7


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