A. G. Koziuchko, V. M. Havii, O. B. Kuchmenko


Soy is an important food, feed and technical crop of agriculture in many countries across the world. It differs from other agricultural crops by its unique combination of protein and oil with valuable vitamins and elements. Without the use of fertilizers, it is impossible to get a large soybean crop. Among the main factors that influence the yield of this crop, fertilizers account for 30%, varieties -20%, weather conditions and plant protection - 15%, effective fertility and soil treatment - 10%. Therefore, the study of the effect of a combination of metabolically active substances (complexes of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10; vitamin E, 4-hydroxibenzoic acid (PHBE) and methionine; vitamin E, 4-hydroxibenzoic acid (PHBE), methionine and magnesium sulfate on individual physiological parameters of soy in the main phases of ontogenesis and its performance is worthy of scientific attention.
The research demonstrated that in the phase of formation of the triple leaf, the studied substances effectively stimulated the length of the main stem, the number of leaves and the area of the leaf surface.
In the flowering phase, complexes of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10, and vitamin E, PHBE, methionine and magnesium sulfate increased the number of lateral roots by 132.2% and 114.3%, respectively. In addition, the studied metabolically active substances positively affected the length of the stem, number of leaves, leaf area and length of lateral roots.
In the maturation phase, the complex of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10 effectively stimulated the height of plants, the number of beans per plant, exceeding the control parameters by 15.5%, 14.2%, respectively. In addition, the studied substances affected the number of seeds per soybean plant. So, in the control group, the number of seeds from one plant averaged 140.7 units. The best results were obtained using the combination of vitamin E, PHBE, methionine and magnesium sulfate and amounted to 154.4 units, which exceeded the control indices by 9.7%. While the number of seeds from one plant after treatment with a combination of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10 amounted to 148.3 units, which exceeded the control indicators by 5.4%.
The highest soybean yield was observed during seed treatment with a combination of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10, and amounted to 2.37 t / ha, exceeding the control indicators by 26.3%. Seed treatment with complex of vitamin E, PHBE, methionine and magnesium sulfate also showed a good result, exceeding the control indicators by 10.2%.
Thus, the complexes of vitamin E and ubiquinone-10, and vitamin E, PHBE, methionine and magnesium sulfate showed better results, so further study of the effect of these substances on legumes is promising.


soybean; length of the stem; number of leaves; number of side roots; length of side roots; number of beans per plant, length of beans; number of seeds per plant; yield


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