U. O. Bachynska


In the Nature Reserve of Medobory a zonal vegetation is represented by dark deciduous forests, with a hornbeam and oak trees mainly, dominated by Quercus robur, Caprius betulus, and Flaxinus excelsior.
Within the tree stands hornbeam predominates on the area of 21.7% of the forested lands of the reserve. Preliminary investigations of the Reserve hornbeam plantations were conducted by Mykola Korol and Ihor Humeniuk. They pointed to the stability of these plantations, their high competitive abilities but depleted biotic potential. The objects, selected for the study, are permanent trial areas, where during the last taxation measurements the hornbeam dominations in the tree stands were observed (with the tree stands of 6 and more items). On the studied trial areas mature and overmature plantations prevail by age groups. The hornbeams grow here mainly in young hornbeam forests in the first, second and third bonitets. The predominant number of trees on the trial areas is hornbeam of seed origin. Except L-28, where the conditions of growth are dry oakery on the rock, the hornbeams grow on the third bonitet and are of sprouting origin mainly. The tree stands on the trial areas are of the same age. As for the age groups they are mature and overmature, except for L-13 and L-28, where the young stocks grow, and L-13, where the one of a middle age grow. The tree stands taxation indicators on the trial areas are characterized by some differences, depending on age and completeness, within different types. The stock of live wood is on average 115-463 cubic metres per hectare. Trees differentiations by the degree of thickness show the process of a plant formation depending on their origin and age. On the trial areas the renewal of a hornbeam is represented by one- and two-years-old undergrowth. The forest stands are characterized by insignificant variability of their taxation structure indicators, being the result of a slight influence of natural and anthropogenic factors.


Carpinus betulus; tree stand; taxation characteristics; types of forest; natural renewal


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