T. M. Zhylina, V. L. Shevchenko


The taxonomic structure of the nematodes and the thickness in the forest litter of the Mezin National Nature Park were studied. Samples were collected during 2008-2010 and 2014 (June – July) in 21 forest ecosystems. Nematodes were extracted by a modified Baermann's method from the sample of 5 g. The exposition time was 48 h. Extracted nematodes were fixed in the triethanolamine–formalin (TAF, 2 % triethanolamine, 7 % formaldehyde solution, 91 % water), and mounted on the temporary hydroglyceric slides.
To describe the taxonomic structure of nematode communities we calculated the proportion of each order (family) in the community as the ratio (in %) of the individuals of each order (family) to the total number of nematodes.
46 nematode species belonging to 36 genera, 21 families and 10 orders were identified. The average number of nematodes was 4256 per 100 g of substrate. The number of nematodes varied from 220 to 11920 specimens per 100 g in separate samples.
Most of the identified species (78.26 %) belong to the four orders: Tylenchida (10 species), Plectida (9 species), Rhabditida (9 species), Dorylaimida (8 species) or 21.74 %, 19.57 %, 19.57 % and 17.39 % of the species composition, respectively. The orders of Enoplida, Triplonchida, Araeolaimida, Mononchida, Monhysterida and Teratocephalida are represented by 1 to 2 species (4.35 – 2.17 % of the total number of identified species).
In terms of quantitative representation, species of Plectida are dominant (proportion in the community 43.15 %). This proportion was 2.5 times higher than the number of representatives of Tylenchida (17.07 %), Dorylaimida (17.01 %) and Rhabditida (16.44 %).
Comparatively, the largest number of species found belong to the families Plectidae (9 species), Cephalobidae (6 species), and Tylenchidae (5 species).
Only six nematode families were represented in the forest litter samples, namely: Plectidae (with proportion in the community 43.15 %), Dorylaimidae (with proportion in the community 13.74 %), Aphelenchoididae (with 8.99 %), Panagrolaimidae (with 8.17 %), Tylenchidae (with 5.90 %), Mesorhabditidae (with 5.48 %).


nematode communities; forest litter; taxonomic structure; Mezynskyi National Nature Park


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