V. P. Karpenko, I. I. Mostoviak, A. A. Datsenko, R. M. Prytuliak, O. I. Zabolotnyi


The article presents the results of a field experiment to study the effects of different rates of the microbial preparation Diazobacterin under different methods of using the plant growth regulator Radostim (seed treatment before sowing and spraying crops) on the content of chlorophyll a and b in buckwheat leaves of Yelena variety, their sum and carotenoids. Determination of chlorophyll a and b, their sum and carotenoids was performed in selected samples of buckwheat leaves in the field conditions, in the phases of stem branching and the beginning of flowering according to the method described by V.F. Gavrylenko and T.V. Zhyhalova using a spectrophotometer. The pigment concentration was calculated from Holm-Wettstein's equations for 100 % acetone. It was found that the content of photosynthetic pigments in buckwheat leaves is conditioned by the weather, rates and methods of application of the studied microbial preparations and phases of plant development. In particular, the analysis of chlorophyll and carotenoid content in the early flowering phase of buckwheat plants showed a significant increase compared to the phase of stem branching, which may be due to increased physiological and biochemical processes in plants, against the background of improving mineral nutrition, growth and plant development. Thus, with the multiple use of the microbial preparation Diazobacterin in the rates of 150, 175 and 200 ml and the stimulator of plant growth Radostim in the rate of 250 ml / t for seed treatment before sowing, the content of chlorophylls a and b, their sum and carotenoids with increasing application of Diazobacterin increased and the excess relative to control ranged within: 29–31 % for chlorophyll a; 10–11 % for chlorophyll b; 24–26 % for their sum and 23–24 % for carotenoids. At the same time, with a complex application for pre-sowing seed treatment of a mixture of the microbial preparation Diazobacterin in the rate of 200 ml per hectare of seeds with the stimulator of plant growth Radostym in the rate of 250 ml / t followed by spraying on this background crops the stimulator of plant growth Radostim in the rate of 50 ml / ha buckwheat leaves form the highest content of chlorophyll a in comparison with the control (40 %); chlorophyll b (15 %); the sum of chlorophyll a + b (33 %) and carotenoids (29 %). These data indicate the creation of more favorable conditions for physiological and biochemical processes in plants, including photosynthesis, with the direct positive effect of which, functionally active pigment complex of the leaf apparatus of buckwheat is formed.


stimulator of plant growth; microbial preparation; buckwheat; chlorophyll; carotenoids


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Copyright (c) 2021 V. P. Karpenko, I. I. Mostoviak, A. A. Datsenko, R. M. Prytuliak, O. I. Zabolotnyi

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