K. Kofonov, O. S. Potrokhov, O. G. Zinkovskiy


The influence of elevated ammonium nitrogen concentrations on the physiological and biochemical state of young Prussian carp (Carassius auratus gibelio B.) has been studied. It was established that fish under the influence of increased concentrations of ammonium nitrogen in water is in a state of chronic toxic stress. At the same time, their biochemical state changes significantly. Stress reactions increase the intensity of metabolic processes in the muscles and gills of Prussian carp, accompanied by the use of a significant amount of energy-intensive compounds, in particular glycogen and protein, to adequately provide energy to counteract the harmful effects of the toxicant. First, as the concentration of ammonium ions increases a slight increase in protein content occurs, followed by a decrease in the tissues of the muscles and gills, with a decrease in the content of glycogen in them. This indicates an increase in the development of stress reactions, as the main mechanisms of protection, the prevention of toxicity and related energy costs associated with these processes. With chronic effects of increased concentration of ammonium nitrogen, glucose levels in blood plasma increase due to the cleavage of glycogen.

Changes in the activity of energy metabolism enzymes (LDH and SDH) in fish tissues during prolonged exposure to high concentrations of toxicants indicate a partial transition of metabolism to anaerobic processes. These reactions are characterize the course of metabolic processes aimed at fish adaptation to environmental conditions.


prussian carp, fish juvenile, ammonium nitrogen, adaptation, protein, lipids, glycogen, glucose, LDH, SDH


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