L. V. Vorobyova


An analysis of long-term studies has made it possible to characterize the formation density of pseudomeiobenthos (temporary meiofauna) settlements depending on the substrate, depth, and seasons of the year in the Odessa Sea region of the northwestern Black Sea by the example of oligochaetes, polychaetes and juvenile mollusks. Their largest accumulations (the total density of settlements was 30865.8±5384.3 ind m-2) are characteristic of the ground sand/shell, the smallest for silty substrate (averaged 11705.5±1337.8 ind.m-2). The maximum indices of the total number of temporary meiofauna were recorded on depth of 10-15 m (20826.3±5010.4 ind.m-2). As shown by long-term studies, the average indicators of the total number of meiobenthos are highest in the winter period. The same applies to the density of the temporary component.


Odessa Sea region; temporary meiofauna; substrate; depth; season


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