H. M. Holinei, M. Z. Prokopiak, O. V. Roketska, L. O. Shevchyk, M. A. Kryzhanovska


The species diversity of the insects of Nimphalinae subfamily (Lepidoptera order), which are stored in the entomological collection of The Botany and Zoology Department of Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University were studied. The insects were collected by the students during their teacher training and also by the amateur entomologists during 2000–2020. These insects are in the collections of The Botany and Zoology Department. The species composition of the collected insects was analyzed. There are 202 individuals of Nimphalinae subfamily. Identified insects belong to five genus (Vanessa, Inachis, Agаlis, Polygonia, Nymphalis). The largest number of individuals of this subfamily was calculated (Inachis io –75, Vanessa atalanta – 52, Cynthia cardui – 45). Also 13 individuals of Agаlis urticae and 12 individuals of Polygonia c-album were found. All species of Rhopalocera of European fauna are in The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. Most of them are classified as Least Concern (LC). Widespread, numerous and common species of the Nimphalinae subfamily were found in the funds of The Botany and Zoology Department. Identified species belong to the LC category of The IUCN Red List. The Compton tortoiseshell (Nymphalis vaualbum) is included in The Red Data Book of Ukraine (2009). Its conservation status is invaluable. Nymphalis vaualbum was not found in the entomological collections of The Botany and Zoology Department of TNPU.


collections of insects; diurnal butterflies; Nimphalinae; the species of The Red Data Book of Ukraine


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.25128/2078-2357.21.1-2.2


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